personal • C. A low level of saliva production in your glands is a common source of dry mouth and can result from many causes. Weegy: Ultraviolet light - from the sun and tanning beds damages the structure of your skin. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. The most common rule for forming plural nouns isTo promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? O A. Score 1. Score 1 User: Keeping the spaces and surfaces around your home clean is an important part of hygiene. User: Congress responded to the railroad industry. A. Weegy: Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known as endorphins. weegy. User: Which one of the following factors contributes to hypertension Weegy: A high-fat diet cintributes to. 2. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Bad breath that won't go away. Question. A healthy mouth is just as important for adults' overall health and well-being as it is for children. Log in for more information. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed;. weegy. Asked 44 days ago|2/21/2023 11:50:36 PM. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Updated 4/12/2021 5:21:10 PM. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. weegy. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. D. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Question. R. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach also promote oral health. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. Weegy: The dimensions of wellness are. Here are some things you can do to maintain a healthy mouth and strong teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum after dinner can help remove food and bacteria from your teeth until you make it to your toothbrush. T. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary,. You’ll find how to address and arrest common gum issues. Added 35 days ago|3/10/2023 6:14:35 PM To promote the health of your teeth you should limit: Fruit chews and sports drinks in your diet. Score 1. A. • D. Yogurt and cheese O C. increasing saturated fats D. protein. [ This is because fat and sugar are both concentrated sources of calories. You can reach them at (605) 312-8390 or parenting@sanfordhealth. f. User: The glycemic index predicts the way certain foods affect Weegy: The glycemic index predicts the way certain foods affect: blood sugar levels. weegy. To promote the health of your teeth, sticky and sweet foods should you limit in your diet. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation?. • A. People with severe periodontal disease may notice pus in their gums, bad breath, and loose teeth. • B. Because you're already amazing. Oral Health Practice Tools for PediatriciansSensitive teeth. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Weegy: You should be careful when. Eating fermented foods like kefir regularly is a way to prevent tooth decay. [ Candy and sweets: Sugary foods like candy, chocolates, and desserts can stick to your teeth and create an environment for bacteria to thrive, leading to tooth decay. Milk and peanut butter O D. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Her mom wants her to start eating healthier and getting more exercise to help. To promote the health of your teeth, Fruit chews and sports drinks should you limit in your diet. Log in for more information. Files have slanting rows of teeth and the teeth on a rasp are. environmental • B. brush your teeth twice per day and floss dally. yeast. ; Get all the sides: Make sure you are brushing the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Almonds are great for your teeth because they are a good source of calcium and protein while being low in sugar. Yogurt and cheese O C. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Some tooth enamel loss occurs naturally with age. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. 3. Sugar and other simple carbs can also put your mouth in. a change in physical appearance C. b. C. Weegy: The fat that surrounds the internal organs is visceral fat. Score 1 User: Keeping the spaces and surfaces around your home clean is an important part of hygiene. Healing time varies by individual, but many people find they can return to work 2–3 days following wisdom teeth removal. The health of your teeth also has a direct. Log in for more information. d. what food should you limit in your diet in order to promote healthy teeth? Weegy: A healthy diet is one. Your gut flora controls your immune system also manage your bleeding gums. 8. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. handwashing and nail O D. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. 3. T. Expert answered|capslock|Points 18614| Log in for more information. E. weegy. brush your teeth twice per day and floss daily. You can also get polyphenols in cranberries as well. Start cleaning your baby’s teeth 2 times a day as soon as they come in. Log in for more information. Score 1 User: The legal driving limit for alcohol in most states is To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Jozeal. |Score 1|tumbler10|Points 80| User: A growing adolescent needs the equivalent of _____ glasses of milk a day in order to get the right amount of calcium. To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. "Calcium is one of the major structures that makes up enamel, the outer layer of the tooth," Dr. The sleep-deprived tend to get more wrinkles, lines, swelling, and droopiness, studies show. To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. MI Paste also encourages the uptake of fluoride to strengthen teeth. salty snacks like popcorn or trail mix. Include dairy, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and water in your diet—they all play a role in your dental health. ] Question. Fruit chews and sports drinksTo promote the health of your teeth, which foods should you limit in your diet? • A. Added 74 days ago|2/1/2023 7:20:13 PM. Weegy: Sliced bananas, walnuts, and orange sections is the most nutrient-dense snack. 7/12/2023 12:42:09 PM| 6 Answers. B. Weegy: Jordan has been getting sick frequently. It happens when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the enamel. Help your child have healthy teeth for life by having a good dental health. Updated 46 days ago|2/20/2023 4:18:27 AM. Use an antimicrobial mouthrinse. B. Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. Soy milk and animal crackers D. after brushing your teeth at night, only drink milk or 100 percent juice before going to bed. environmental • B. Weegy: Tony recently started eating foods containing probiotics to support the health of his gut. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Expert. Expert Answered. Comments. Sugary beverages: soda, sports drinks, juice, lemonade and sweetened tea or coffee. Expert answered|Rhed°88|Points 10833| Log in for more information. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. To promote the health of your teeth, the foods should you limit in you're diet are: Yogurt and cheese. User: Files have slanting rows of teeth and the teeth on a rasp are. Weegy. User: To promote the health of your teeth which foods should you limit in your diet Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. User: The legal driving limit for alcohol in most states is. Weegy: A life threatening condition that reduces blood flow to major organs is known as shock. If you want a healthy gut, you have to feed it well. Limit between-meal snacking. summary. - is a true statement about developing a support. Updated 3 days ago|9/7/2023 4:51:22 PM. Weegy: The best way to get vitamins and minerals is to eat variety of foods. Erosive demineralization can result in progressive, irreversible loss of tooth mineral substance, and may be caused by intrinsic (e. This crossword clue might have a different answer every time it appears on a new New York Times Puzzle, please read all the answers until you find the one that solves your. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. New answers. ]. Weegy: Your driving record: may be available to the public. Avoid communal surfaces like doorknobs and shopping carts D. While regulations, third-party payer requirements, and licensing/accreditation standards contribute to this complexity, formalized policies and procedures can mitigate it by promoting workplace safety, regulatory. There are. Propping up a bottle can make baby’s teeth decay. Weegy: A prefix is added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning. Weegy. Log in for more information. Expert answered|labtika|Points 3308|. User: According to the centers of disease control and prevention, _____ is the single leading cause of preventable disease in the United States Weegy: Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable. Replace each baby’s toothbrush every 3–4 months, when the bristles become worn or frayed, or after an illness. weegy. Score 1 User: Consuming inadequate calories or having a deficiency in certain vitamins or minerals is known as Weegy: Consuming inadequate calories or having a deficiency in. Leafy greens typically find their way onto any healthy foods list. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. The field of psychology that uses behavioral principles to promote health and prevent illness is referred to as Health Psychology. Weegy: The dimensions of wellness are. 2/17/2023 3:27:02 PM| 10 Answers. Log in for more information. Stay away from sticky or chewy snacks. View results. User: Consuming drinks that contain ___ may impact your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. New answers. Onions: Shitake mushrooms: Sugar-free gum: Cheese: Water: Foods That Can Cause Problems for Your Teeth. Debs ran for president while in jail during World War I. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Score 1. c. Added 9/2/2020 5:11:17 AMGet an answer. S. Expert answered|capslock|Points 18614| Log in for more information. Milk and peanut butter C. Expert answered|labtika|Points 3308|. [ Proper nouns include personal names, place names, names of companies and organizations, and the titles of books, films, songs, and other media. Weegy: On a 50-question test, a student answered 5 questions. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, [ and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. M. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Milk and peanut hutter. Fruit chews and sports drinks To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit Fruit chews and sports drinks in your diet. Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: Beau would like to change his body composition. Fruit chews and sports drinks To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit Fruit chews and sports drinks in your diet. A step you can take to promote oral hygine is to A. The choices you make every day go a long way toward better adult health. Weegy: Files have slanting rows of teeth and the teeth on a rasp are INDIVIDUALS. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. This nourishment should include both probiotics and prebiotics — two dietary components that are increasingly being recognized as essential to your intestinal and overall health, says Teresa Fung, adjunct professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. B. A. g. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Rating. 0 (2 reviews) The Dentist Cut and Paste Healthy Teeth Worksheets 4. User: The mineral that’s essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth are Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. To promote the health of your teeth, Fruit chews and sports drinks should you limit in your diet. 3. Added 92 days ago|1/24/2023 4:40:46 AMTo promote the health of your teeth, sticky and sweet foods should you limit in your diet. brush your teeth twice per day and floss dally. Because you're already amazing. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation?. They might include doing all you can to prevent cancer, getting vaccines, and washing. Score 1. Asked 12/28/2021 4:25:48 PM. You can also add a handful to a salad or to a stir-fry dinner. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. OB. Floss once a day to maintain proper dental hygiene. Score 1 User: which one of the following is a purple daisy originally used by native americans in a medicinal tea Weegy:. OB. They are often made of gold, silver or jewel-encrusted precious metals that snap over one or more teeth. personal • C. Score 1. |Score . Green or black teas neutralize plaque-causing bacteria. O A. Log in for more information. Milk and peanut butter O D. Log in for more information. Check with the. Asked 270 days ago|2/21/2023 12:08:52 AM. use a small amount of toothpaste containing calcium. Floss or use an interdental product to remove plaque both from between your teeth and under your gums between your teeth – before it can harden into tartar. User: What law did Theodore Roosevelt use to break up business that stood in the way of competition Weegy: Sherman Anti-Trust Act is the law Theodore Roosevelt used to break up businesses that stood in the way of competition. Log in for more information. A step you can take to promote oral hygine is to A. 0 Answers/Comments. Log in for more information. d. Log in for more information. After you brush and floss, swish vigorously for 30 seconds twice a day. Added 62 days ago|3/10/2023 6:14:35 PM To promote the health of your teeth, a foods should you limit in your diet are: Fruit chews and sports drinks. Question. Score 1 User: According to the centers of disease control and prevention, _____ is the single leading cause of preventable disease in the United States Weegy: Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of. Score 1 User:. personal • C. weegy. Score 1. There are no new answers. ingestion D. Expert answered|Rhed°88|Points 10833|. A healthy diet is one that helps to maintain or improve overall health. increased risk of cancer C. Weegy: Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known as endorphins. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: The S. • D. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation?. , dietary) factors. Maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular dental. affect only yourself d. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Yogurt and cheese. For women, 2. Combat decay by drinking plenty of plain water, and eating nutritious foods like whole grains, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy. Weegy: To ensure a smooth transfer, the. after brushing your teeth at night, only drink milk or 100 percent juice before going to bed. Added 35 days ago|6/13/2023 11:00:57 PMTo promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Weegy: If an astronaut has a mass of 80. They're full of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. You may need to change your children's toothbrushes sooner. Expert Answered. c. Sticky, dehydrated fruit: Sticky fruits can lead to cavities; opt for fresh fruit instead. Label the toothbrush with the baby’s name. User: Which mineral is essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. Weegy: Maslow?s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs,. Log in for more information. • A. Score . Weegy: To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Angle the brush. Just be careful of the added sugar. Milk is loaded with calcium, which can help build strong teeth and help improve oral care, a 2006 study proved. Avoid communal surfaces like doorknobs and shopping carts D. Question. only share drinking cups and water bottles with family members. handwashing and nail O D. User: Which mineral is essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Fluoride B. 1 Answer/Comment. 3. Connect with others, with spontaneous photos and videos, and random live-streaming. Popular Conversations. after brushing your teeth at night, only drink milk or 100 percent juice before going to bed. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. To promote the health of your teeth, sticky and sweet foods should you limit in your diet. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. M. Milk and peanut butter OD. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or. Question|Asked by Au827397. Popular Conversations. It is key to have ongoing care by an oral health professional to prevent more bone loss. User: Which mineral is essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth Weegy: Calcium is essential to maintaining healthy. Weegy: If a number is a whole number. Updated 101 days ago|12/21/2022 2. Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal. To promote the health of your teeth, Yogurt and cheese foods should you limit in your diet. 4Eian. Brushing twice a day and using dental floss can help keep teeth and gums healthy. Expert answered|alvinpnglnn|Points 13876| Log in for more information. C. To promote the health of your teeth you should limit: Fruit chews and sports drinks in your diet. Weegy: Emergency communications at the Pentagon site proved challenging on September 11,2001. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Weegy: At the incident scene, Public Information Officer handles media inquires. tumbler10|Points 80| Log in for more information. Expert Answered. Score 1 User: The legal driving limit for alcohol in most states is To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. [ One strategy that was a good option was human messengers or foot messengers. Question. personal • C. will be passed on to the next generation, Peers are people your age who share a similar range of interests true or false, Unhealthful eating behaviors are a. Leafy Greens. Which one of the following is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation? Fluoride is important for the health of the bones and teeth and helps to prevent cavity formation. five-step C. environmental • B. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. • B. orthodontist weegy;. Jozeal. • D. Weegy: The mineral that's essential to maintaining healthy bones and teeth is calcium. C. Fruit chews and sports drinks B. Question. Possible signs of mild to moderate periodontal disease include sensitive teeth, purple or receding gums, or teeth that look long. Almonds. Receding gums. a change in senses B. Original conversation. ] Log in for more information. Protein is essential to the overall health of the body because it sustains life and keeps body systems in good repair. Factors That Protect Teeth from Tooth Decay. Gums that bleed easily. To promote the health of your teeth, you should limit sugary, processed, acidic, [ and high carbohydrate foods in your diet. Soy milk and animal crackers OB. 8525.